(VIDEO) The Full Kris Bryant Interview With Barstool Chicago

Here's the video interview from Red Line Radio with Kris Bryant this week. At first glance it may seem like a harmless conversation between two regular guys and the superstar of the Cubs franchise. But believe it or not this actually turned into a big deal because certain mainstream sports media companies just can't help themselves from creating conflict. 

It's insane to me that becomes a story after 23 minutes of heart warming insight. Like nevermind the Ricketts are flat ass fucking broke right now and everyone is getting disrespected left & right. Nevermind Len Kasper straight up walking across town to do radio or Theo leaving millions on the table or us not having one of those said millions to improve a laughable offer to Jon Lester so he could retire a Cub. Nevermind any of the significant, notable, horrible, awful, no good, very bad noise around the organization. Let's instead talk about how Kris Bryant's not having fun anymore. That's the golden ticket. 

All this drama is so unnecessary and I blame ESPN. This interview should be a blazing example of Barstool Chicago's hospitality and camaraderie, and the kind of environment that fosters amongst our guests in a tirelessly mundane world. Instead. it's ammunition for surface level takes in an already dangerously shallow industry. 

All I'm saying is there should be room for wholesome conversation between a couple dudes that love the Cubs. 

And all we ask is that they love us back. Listen here.

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